The Foundation's contributions pool has been adequate to cover its commitments to date. However, its trustees have long realized the need for a funding component capable of providing an annual income stream sufficient to meet the planned investment objectives established for any given year. The creation of the Bethel Park Community Foundation Endowment Fund adds the necessary funding dimension.
The formation and subsequent growth of an endowment component will provide a reservoir of resources which, when fully subscribed, will generate a flow of funds to both finance ongoing obligations and support new community-enhancing initiatives. Distributions from the fund will be in accord with the four major focus areas established for the Foundation as a whole. The endowment has been structured to include three categories of giving:
The Community Betterment Fund - Grants in this segment will be made annually from investment earnings to fund new projects and to maintain those previously approved.
Minimum Contribution - $500.
Scholarship Fund - Grants will be made annually from investments earnings to fund annual scholarship awards in accordance with policies and regulations established by the Scholarship Committee of the Education and Technology Focus Group, and designed to assist both graduating seniors and adults seeking higher education.
Minimum Contribution - $500.
Individual, Family and Organization Fund - Grants from these separate fund designations will be made annually from investment earnings to fund projects chosen by individual, family and organization donors. Each project will be approved by the BPCF Board of Trustees as being consistent with the mission and the charter of the Foundation.
Minimum Contribution - $10,000.
At the contributor's option, contributions to the three endowment fund segments may be paid in installments over a three year period. Appropriate policies governing investment security and rate-of-return objectives are recommended to the Board of Trustees by its Investment Policy Committee and should meet all applicable standards for foundation investments. An Assured Path to Community Enrichment the function - and value - of an endowment mechanism represents a logical progression from the funding practices employed during the Foundation's start-up years. The addition provides an assured source of funds to permit the intelligent planning of annual investments designed to benefit the broad community and individual residents alike. Fund proceeds will support initiatives as varied as scholarships and capital improvements as well as qualifying projects designed and stipulated by the individual, family and organization contributors willing to underwrite them.
More broadly, the endowment fund concept enables large and small donors (individuals, families or organizations) to earmark a portion of the charitable giving for the ongoing enrichment of their home community. Through their donations, contributors to the fund will participate in a collaborative effort which will benefit the Bethel Park community for years to come.
The Foundation accepts gifts such as cash, appreciated stock (deduct the full market value as charitable donation and pay no capital gains tax), bequests, real estate, works of art or any other item of saleable value. The Foundation accepts gifts from both individual or institutional donors. Types of giving include memorials, gifts directed by the donor to one project, gifts to specific projects established by the Trustees, gifts to the funds of the four focus areas, gifts to the endowment fund and gifts to the general operating fund.
For further information on available giving levels, installment payment options, naming opportunities, investment strategies and other BPCF Endowment Fund matters, please contact the Foundation by emailing to info@bpcf.org